
Painting & Polishing

The Plumbing services require too much thought, experience and expertise before finalising on the layout. Plumbing is crucial and any faults anywhere can lead to un-reversible damage in future. City Crown Services understands this importance more than anyone else.
We put in our finest plumbing professionals, time and effort in making sure the plumbing side of your construction is intact.
Quality pipes, valves, plumbing fixtures, tanks and other apparatuses are what makes us the best in the game. Combined with a touch of magical experienced hands, looked over by experienced professionals, Our Plumbing is On-Spot.

Electrical works powers the heart of your construction. They have to be finely envisaged, crafted and pulled-on by experienced craftsmen. Any loose connection or faulty wirings can cost you for a lifetime. City Crown Services combined with Taj-Al Madina Maintenance brings out the most experienced and magical workers to lay out the electrical foundation for your construction.
Our craftsmen are experienced and flexible for you to entrust with your electrical needs. Every slot and wiring position we put in will be thought before and perfect at its heart. Our perfection comes from almost two decades of experience, serving the finest of companies and clients in UAE.

The structure of your building is extremely important. It requires experienced craftsman on the job to lay it out with expertise and professionalism. It’s the structure that decides the extent and duration of your dream project, we understand this.
Quality materials and the class of the mortar, combined with experienced workmanship can provide a foundation that will last long and is impenetrable at its core. The pattern in which the units assembled can have a substantial effect on the durability of the final product, and that is exactly why we ask you to root for quality craftsmanship.
With an array of satisfied clients, over the years we have proved the quality of our craft. Our masonry team is dipped in perfection and expertise, added with commitment to the project. It’s indeed a challenge for us, to outdo ourselves with every brick.

The floor has to be perfect, never ever compromise in there.
City Crown services makes use of the finest products and craftsmanship while laying out the floor for your construction. Our workers are experienced and effective in doing their job. Over the years we have built a reputation for ourselves in laying out the best quality tiling work for many construction across the country. Quality materials added with experienced and dedicated team all focusing on making the work impeccable, this is exactly where the signature of City Crown Services is brewed.